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Our Carter Family Roots

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Abraham Lincoln Carter was born May 8, 1863.  On September 22, 1862, the President of the United States of America signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all persons held as slaves.  That President was Abraham Lincoln.  Although signed in 1862, the law did not take effect until January 1, 1863.  Two important facts; first, Abraham Lincoln Carter having been born in May of 1863 was not born enslaved because slavery had officially ended four months earlier on January 1st.  However his parents were enslaved.  Second, there was jubilation and excitement among enslaved Africans to learn of their intended freedom.  Many sought ways to express how happy they were.  Some decided to name their sons after the President who made their freedom possible.  Now we know why our ancestor was named, “Abraham Lincoln.


Lou Ella Gilmore was born in December of 1868, three and a half years after the end of the Civil War.  This period was called the Reconstruction Period and lasted from 1865 to 1877.  This period enforced temporarily by the federal government allowed for African Americans to function in the south as equals.  They could purchase land, attend schools and hold political office.  However, many southerners opposed to the equality of their former slaves resented it and took actions to prevent it to include violence.  Lou Ella Gilmore and Abraham Lincoln lived through this era which was arguably the worst time in America for Africans after slavery. 


Abraham Lincoln and Lou Ella had (11) children.













Lettie Carter

Ed Carter

Clara Carter

Sylvester Carter

Joshua Carter

Veola Carter

Gertrude Carter

Ada Carter

Booker Carter

Curlie Carter

Aletha Carter


You can learn so much more about our amazing family history by viewing The Carter Family Reunion History Presentation HERE.

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